TRADEnosis 2
Nirvana’s Cloud A.I. Initiative
TRADEnosis 2
Nirvana’s Cloud A.I. Initiative

Nirvana has been providing Artificial Intelligence in OmniTrader since 1998.
By collaborating with our customers, we are building the next generation of A.I. for Traders!
Welcome to TRADEnosis 2.
We have been delivering A.I. Systems to Traders since 1998. With our ground-breaking work on Super Inputs, we are now building and delivering early versions of advanced Strategies that will ultimately run in the Cloud using the most advanced A.I. Models.
TRADEnosis 2 is our fundraising vehicle for completing this work. Members get Strategies that run in OmniTrader NOW, and will receive Signals from the Cloud version when completed...

The Challenge in Using A.I. for Trading
Many A.I. Models are good at matching within an image category, such as determining whether an image is a cat or a dog after training to many examples of the image category - a hundred dog pictures followed by a hundred cat pictures.
But unlike a cat or a dog. the market is always changing. Patterns come and go, and very few are 100% predictive.
The key to making accurate market predictions is identifying the psychology and emotions of Greed or Fear by determining which features induce market participants to buy or sell. Simple indicators like RSI don't provide enough information.
We need Super Inputs.
The Super Input Concept
We define "Super Inputs" as Features or Events that can be measured in Market Data that are themselves predictive based on a trader's interpretation of them.
Some examples of Super Inputs in Market Data are:
- The acceleration of price with a given amount of volume increase. Higher acceleration on volume indicates the presence of buying pressure.
- The width of a trading channel, compared to the previous width, or the average width over time. A breakout of a narrow channel indicates a sudden increase in demand.
- The observable cycles, how consistent they are, and where the next likely cycle low or high should occur. The market is likely to buy at cycle lows because participants perceive those as "oversold" levels.
An example is shown to the below, which is essentially a "resistance break" where Resistance is defined as Pivot Highs. Our brains actually process many such Features in a chart to arrive at a profitable trading decision, such as the velocity of a break, volume patterns and others.
Our goal is to identify as many of these "Features" as possible, and let the A.I. determine which ones are the most relevant by examining thousands of examples across time. But "matches" are unlikely. What we are looking for is the probability of making a profit.

Super Input Example: The movement of price relative to a channel formed by high and low pivots.
When training the A.I., we do not say "Price broke through a pivot high" We say "Price has moved through a pivot high, with given velocity and distance from the pivot" because we want the A.I. to explore the nuances of the behavior to identify the truth in it.
Multiple Super Inputs are used to generate Trading Rules. In this case we have a Volume Feature occurring at the same time as the Pivot Level break. We want the A.I. to look for more occurrences.
TRADEnosis 2 Process
In TRADEnosis, or objective is to build a library of Super Inputs that we can provide to a robust Cloud A.I. Model. To do this, we:
1] Build as many Super Inputs as we can identify, based on chart observations.
2] Use a Genetic Algorithm (developed by Nirvana Systems) to combine Super Inputs so we know which ones are the most significant.
3] Collect predictive Super Inputs and feed them to the Cloud A.I. Model.
We use Nirvana's Genetic Algorithm because it can identify combinations of Super Inputs that are predictive, which we call Trading Rules.
These Rules can be used immediately for profitable trading in OmniTrader, ahead of generating a Cloud A.I. Model that has a higher level of inference power.
We are solving the Market A.I. Problem, One Super Input at a Time, in TRADEnosis.

The advances in computer and memory technology have made advanced Cloud A.I. computing a reality. All we have to do is feed it the right Super Inputs!
Join Us as We Build Cloud A.I. for Traders
And Potentially Save Thousands as We Grow the Platform!
Get Great Signals using Nirvana A.I. NOW
And TRADEnosis Cloud A.I. Signals when released.
Benefits of Your TRADEnosis Membership:
Gain Immediate Access to the NEW Member Web site and Receive new versions of A.I. for Traders as they are released.
We use Nirvana's Genetic Algorithm to test Super Inputs, and release them to Members.
The A.I. runs in OmniTrader, a Windows Trading Platform. If you don't have it, we will get you a copy and help you install it.
Download TRADEnosis Strategies and Super Inputs as they are developed at These Strategies generate Signals that can be used NOW while we continue to build Super Inputs.
Collaborate with other TRADEnosis Users in the User Forum.
Receive the Cloud A.I. Version when completed.
As new Super Inputs are developed and tested, they are added to our A.I. Models for testing on the Cloud A.I. version.
When completed, TRADEnosis 2 Cloud A.I. will deliver trade ideas to your OmniTrader, VisualTrader or other platform from servers in the Cloud. All Charter Members will receive these Signals at no additional cost.
TRADEnosis Licenses are Available at $5k Each.
When released, TRADEnosis Cloud will cost $300 to $1,000 per month. However, Charter Members who join now will never pay additional fees.

Nirvana has been providing Artificial Intelligence in OmniTrader since 1998. A.I. has come a long way in the last 25 years. Using the latest models and intense collaboration with our customers, we are building the next generation of A.I. for Traders!
Welcome to TRADEnosis 2.
We have been delivering Trading Systems based on A.I. since 1998.
With our ground-breaking work on Super Inputs, we are now building and delivering early versions of advanced Strategies that will ultimately run in the Cloud using the most advanced A.I. Models.
TRADEnosis 2 is our fundraising vehicle for completing this work.
This overview video explains our approach.
Members get Strategies that run in OmniTrader NOW, and will receive Signals from the Cloud version when completed...
The Market is Complex

Many A.I. Models are good at matching within an image category, such as determining whether an image is a cat or a dog after training to many examples of the image category - a hundred dog pictures followed by a hundred cat pictures.
But unlike a cat or a dog. the market is always changing. Patterns come and go, and very few are 100% predictive.
The key to making accurate market predictions is identifying the psychology and emotions of Greed or Fear by determining which features induce market participants to buy or sell. Simple indicators like RSI don't provide enough information.
We need Super Inputs.
The Super Input Concept
We define "Super Inputs" as Features or Events that can be measured in Market Data that are themselves predictive based on a trader's interpretation of them.
Some examples of Super Inputs
in Market Data are:
- The acceleration of price with a given amount of volume increase. Higher acceleration on volume indicates the presence of buying pressure.
- The width of a trading channel, compared to the previous width, or the average width over time. A breakout of a narrow channel indicates a sudden increase in demand.
- The observable cycles, how consistent they are, and where the next likely cycle low or high should occur.
The market is likely to buy at cycle lows because participants perceive those as "oversold" levels.
An example is shown to the right, which is essentially a "resistance break" where Resistance is defined as Pivot Highs.
Our brains actually process many such Features in a chart to arrive at a profitable trading decision, such as the velocity of a break, volume patterns and others.

Super Input Example: The movement of price relative to a channel formed by high and low pivots.
Our goal is to identify as many of these "Features" as possible, and let the A.I. determine which ones are the most relevant by examining thousands of examples across time. But "matches" are unlikely. What we are looking for is the probability of making a profit.
When training the A.I., we do not say "Price broke through a pivot high" We say "Price has moved through a pivot high, with given velocity and distance from the pivot" because we want the A.I. to explore the nuances of the behavior to identify the truth in it.
Multiple Super Inputs are used to generate Trading Rules. In this case we have a Volume Feature occurring at the same time as the Pivot Level break. We want the A.I. to look for more occurrences.
TRADEnosis 2 Process
In TRADEnosis, or objective is to build a library of Super Inputs that we can provide to a robust Cloud A.I. Model. To do this, we:
- Build as many Super Inputs as we can identify, based on chart observations.
- Use a Genetic Algorithm (developed by Nirvana Systems) to combine Super Inputs so we know which ones are the most significant.
- Collect predictive Super Inputs and feed them to the Cloud A.I. Model.
We use Nirvana's Genetic Algorithm because it can identify combinations of Super Inputs that are predictive, which we call Trading Rules. These Rules can be used immediately for profitable trading in OmniTrader, ahead of generating a Cloud A.I. Model that has a higher level of inference power.
We are solving the Market A.I. Problem, One Super Input at a Time, in TRADEnosis.

The advances in computer and memory technology have made advanced Cloud A.I. computing a reality. All we have to do is feed it the right Super Inputs!
Join TRADEnosis!
Join Us as We Build Cloud A.I. for Traders
And Potentially Save Thousands as We Grow the Platform!
Get Great Signals using
Nirvana A.I. NOW
And TRADEnosis Cloud A.I.
Signals when released.
Benefits of Your TRADEnosis Membership:
Gain Immediate Access to the NEW Member Web site and Receive new versions of A.I. for Traders as they are released.
- We use Nirvana's Genetic Algorithm to test Super Inputs, and release them to Members.
- The A.I. runs in OmniTrader, a Windows Trading Platform. If you don't have it, we will get you a copy and help you install it.
- Download TRADEnosis Strategies and Super Inputs as they are developed at These Strategies generate Signals that can be used NOW while we continue to build Super Inputs.
- Collaborate with other TRADEnosis Users in the User Forum.
Receive the Cloud A.I. Version when completed.
- As new Super Inputs are developed and tested, they are added to our A.I. Models for testing on the Cloud A.I. version.
- When completed, TRADEnosis 2 Cloud A.I. will deliver trade ideas to your OmniTrader, VisualTrader or other platform from servers in the Cloud. All Charter Members will receive these Signals at no additional cost.
TRADEnosis Licenses are Available at $5k Each.
When released, TRADEnosis Cloud will cost $300 to $1,000 per month. However, Charter Members who join now will never pay additional fees.

Ed Downs CEO & Founder
Nirvana has been providing Artificial Intelligence in OmniTrader since 1998. A.I. has come a long way in the last 25 years. Using the latest models and by collaborating with our customers, we are building the next generation of A.I. for Traders!
Welcome to TRADEnosis 2.
We have been delivering A.I. Systems to Traders since 1998. With our ground-breaking work on Super Inputs, we are now building and delivering early versions of advanced Strategies that will ultimately run in the Cloud using the most advanced A.I. Models.
TRADEnosis 2 is our fundraising vehicle for completing this work. Members get Strategies that run in OmniTrader NOW, and will receive Signals from the Cloud version when completed...

The Challenge in Using A.I. for Trading
Many A.I. Models are good at matching within an image category, Modern A.I. Models can determine whether an image is a cat or a dog after training to perhaps hundreds of dog and cat pictures.
However, unlike a cat or a dog. the market is always changing. Patterns come and go, and may or may not be predictive depending on what else is happening.
Simple indicators like RSI are helpful but don't provide enough information to make accurate predictions. We must characterize the emotions of Greed or Fear by determining which "Features" (Inputs) induce market participants to buy or sell.
We need Super Inputs.
The Super Input Concept
We define "Super Inputs" as Features or Events that can be measured in Market Data that are themselves predictive based on a trader's interpretation of them.
Some examples of Super Inputs in Market Data are:
- The acceleration of price with a given amount of volume increase. Higher acceleration on volume indicates the presence of buying pressure.
- The width of a trading channel, compared to the previous width, or the average width over time. A breakout of a narrow channel indicates a sudden increase in demand.
- The observable cycles, how consistent they are, and where the next likely cycle low or high should occur. The market is likely to buy at cycle lows because participants perceive those as "oversold" levels.
An example is shown to the right, which is essentially a "resistance break" where Resistance is defined as Pivot Highs. Our brains actually process many such Features in a chart to arrive at a profitable trading decision, such as the velocity of a break, volume patterns and others.
Our goal is to identify as many of these "Features" as possible, and let the A.I. determine which ones are the most relevant by examining thousands of examples across time. But "matches" are unlikely. What we are looking for is the probability of making a profit.

Super Input Example: The movement of price relative to a channel formed by high and low pivots.
When training the A.I., we do not say "Price broke through a pivot high" We say "Price has moved through a pivot high, with given velocity and distance from the pivot" because we want the A.I. to explore the nuances of the behavior to identify the truth in it.
Multiple Super Inputs are used to generate Trading Rules. In this case we have a Volume Feature occurring at the same time as the Pivot Level break. We want the A.I. to look for more occurrences.
TRADEnosis: Building Strategies with Super Inputs
In TRADEnosis, or objective is to build a library of Super Inputs that we can provide to a robust Cloud A.I. Model. To do this, we:
- Build as many Super Inputs as we can identify, based on chart observations.
- Use a Genetic Algorithm (developed by Nirvana Systems) to combine Super Inputs so we know which ones are the most significant.
- Collect predictive Super Inputs and feed them to the Cloud A.I. Model.
We use Nirvana's Genetic Algorithm because it can identify combinations of Super Inputs that are predictive, which we call Trading Rules. These Rules can be used immediately for profitable trading in OmniTrader, ahead of generating a Cloud A.I. Model that has a higher level of inference power.
We are solving the Market A.I. Problem, One Super Input at a Time, in TRADEnosis.

The advances in computer and memory technology have made advanced Cloud A.I. computing a reality. All we have to do is feed it the right Super Inputs!
Join TRADEnosis!
Join Us as We Build Cloud A.I. for Traders
And Potentially Save Thousands as We Grow the Platform!
Get Great Signals using Nirvana A.I. NOW
And TRADEnosis Cloud A.I. Signals when released.
Benefits of Your TRADEnosis Membership:
Gain Immediate Access to the NEW Member Web site and
Receive new versions of A.I. for Traders as they are released.
- We use Nirvana's Genetic Algorithm to test Super Inputs, and release them to Members.
- The A.I. runs in OmniTrader, a Windows Trading Platform. If you don't have it, we will get you a copy and help you install it.
- Download TRADEnosis Strategies and Super Inputs as they are developed at These Strategies generate Signals that can be used NOW while we continue to build Super Inputs.
- Collaborate with other TRADEnosis Users in the User Forum.
Receive the Cloud A.I. Version when completed.
- As new Super Inputs are developed and tested, they are added to our A.I. Models for testing on the Cloud A.I. version.
- When completed, TRADEnosis 2 Cloud A.I. will deliver trade ideas to your OmniTrader, VisualTrader or other platform from servers in the Cloud. All Charter Members will receive these Signals at no additional cost.
A Limited Number of Licenses are Available at $5k Each.
When released, TRADEnosis Cloud will cost $300 to $1,000 per month.
However, Charter Members who join now will never pay additional fees.
Join TRADEnosis!
Join Us as We Build Cloud A.I. for Traders
And Potentially Save Thousands as We Grow the Platform!
Get Great Signals using Nirvana A.I. NOW
And TRADEnosis Cloud A.I. Signals when released.
Benefits of Your TRADEnosis Membership:
Gain Immediate Access to the NEW Member Web site and
Receive new versions of A.I. for Traders as they are released.
- We use Nirvana's Genetic Algorithm to test Super Inputs, and release them to Members.
- Download TRADEnosis Strategies and Super Inputs as they are developed. These Strategies generate highly accurate Signals that can be used NOW while we improve the platform.
- Just Open the A.I. Strategies and Run them to get Signals.
- Collaborate with other TRADEnosis Users in the User Forum.
Receive the Cloud A.I. Version when completed.
- As new Super Inputs are developed and tested, they are submitted to our A.I. Models for testing on the Cloud A.I. version.
- When completed, TRADEnosis 2 Cloud A.I. will deliver trade ideas to your OmniTrader or VisualTrader from the Cloud.
A Limited Number of Licenses are Currently Available at $5k Each.
When released, TRADEnosis will cost $500 to $1,000 per month.
Charter Members who join now will never pay any additional fees.