Strategy Wizard 5
Compatible Platform: OmniTrader / VisualTrader
Recommended Data: End Of Day / Real Time
What if you could increase the performance of any Strategy by as much as 300%? What would that be worth in your trading? With Strategy Wizard 5, you can automatically tune ANY Strategy to get better performance and higher profits out of it – in a fraction of the time it took with any prior version!
"How Every Nirvana Customer
Can Benefit from Strategy Wizard 5"
White paper: Enhancements in Strategy Wizard 5 that support the ARM6 Genetic Algorithm - by Ed Downs Download Now
What is Strategy Wizard?
Automatically Create the Best Strategies in a Fraction of the Time!
Strategy Wizard is a program that can repeatedly try different parameters to identify the ones that were the most profitable in the Back Test (and now in the Forward Test as well, or a combination of FT and BT in SW 5.)
We use Strategy Wizard extensively at Nirvana because without it, the time to test Strategies to get the best default parameters is prohibitive. Now, with Strategy Wizard 5, this time has been cut to a fraction of what it was in prior versions.
The Evolution of Strategy Wizard
Enormous Value added over time!
Strategy Wizard 1.0 – Fast Search & 3D Plots
Strategy Wizard was extremely powerful out of the gate, with such innovative features as Fast Search – a unique Genetic Algorithm process to quickly find great parameters. It also included 3-D surface plots to show robust parameter combinations.
Strategy Wizard 2.0 – Strategy Maker
In Strategy Wizard 2, we added a powerful program called Strategy Maker. This fully automated software can take a list of Strategies and “mix and match” the components to create profitable new Strategies. It’s the best kept secret of the powerful Strategy Wizard package.
Strategy Wizard 3.0 – NTB Charts
In Strategy Wizard 3, we added a super powerful capability, having to do with Non-Time-Based (NTB) Charts, including Renko, Range, Heikin Ashi, Volume and Point & Figure.
Each of these charts has parameters, like ATRs to define them – the right value can make a Strategy really successful when set right. And that’s what this feature does!
Strategy Wizard 4.0 – Sequential Search
In Strategy Wizard 4, we added Sequential Search, which made it possible to search large numbers of parameters by looking at them one at a time.
We also added the ability to use Market States in the optimizations, so Strategies can be tuned to specific kinds of markets.

And now – the Amazing Strategy Wizard 5!
Now, let’s talk about the amazing improvements that have been made for version 5...
Introducing Strategy Wizard 5 with Super Fast Batch Search!
Because Time is Important
To exercise all parameters in a Strategy that can affect each other, the only options we had in Strategy Wizard 4 were Exhaustive and Fast Search. For large numbers of Parameters or Iterations, Exhaustive was way too slow. Since Sequential Search optimizes one parameter at a time, it is not capable of finding the best COMBINATIONS of Parameters.
Fast Search uses a genetic algorithm to try different combinations of Parameters. But since the search space can have millions of potential combinations, you would have to let it run for weeks to get meaningful results.
The new Batch Search is a combination of Exhaustive and Sequential. The reason it’s so powerful is you can establish “batches” within the run so parameters that affect each other can be tuned together.
In the comparison below, related Parameters are grouped together into Batches, separated by “-----“ in the interface. Each Batch consists of parameters that relate to each other, which are run Exhaustively within the Batch. The Batches themselves are run Sequentially.
This gives almost the same benefit as an Exhaustive Strategy Wizard run, but in dramatically less time. In the following example the BATCH run only took 290 iterations whereas the Exhaustive Run would have taken 192 MILLION iterations (taking years to complete.)
Strategy Wizard 4 - “Exhaustive”

Strategy Wizard 5 – “Batch”

192 MILLION Iterations
290 Iterations
This new Batch capability makes it possible to tune related parameters together, and then move on to a new part of the problem. It’s very efficient.
Additional Enhancements
We improved Strategy Wizard 5 in the following additional important ways...
Targeting Forward Test Metrics
The new Strategy Wizard can target Forward Test metrics in the Search Function. This means that you actually end up with the benefit of two time periods – Back Test and Forward Test – not just Back Test. So the outcome of your runs is more statistically significant and less prone to “curve fitting.”

Email Notifications
Strategy Wizard runs take a while, we added a new option whereby it can email you when a run completes. Also, if for any reason an error occurs in OmniTrader in the middle of a run, you will also be notified if you have this option activated.

Now, you can copy Strategy Wizard parameter definitions inside an SW automation or to another. Just select the parameters, use CTRL-C, and then CTRL-V in the new place. This means, for those who are doing their own custom experiments with SW, you won’t have to create the Parameter Definitions again. Just copy them.
Resume Run
Let’s say your power dies. Or an error happens in Windows – anything that causes OmniTrader to stop. Strategy Wizard will keep its place as it goes along. All you do is re-load OmniTrader, re-activate Strategy Wizard and click RESUME.
Special Improvements for ARM6 Strategies
The Genetic Algorithm is a powerful kind of Artificial Intelligence whose job is to find combinations of factors in charts that are predictive.
Different Strategies perform differently, so it’s a good idea to configure the G.A. so that it is able to find the best possible Rules in the shortest period of time given a sample. With the new ARM6 GA Complete Strategy Wizard automation, you can literally SET IT AND FORGET IT. The automation will exercise the entire GA so it can in turn create much better Strategy!
Strategy Wizard 5 configures ARM6 so you can get the Best A.I. Strategies out of it.
The Genetic Algorithm uses something called a “Fitness Function” for the AI to get the best outcome. Now you don’t have to worry about whether to use “Hit Rate”, “APR”, or “Equity Curve”. Strategy Wizard 5 can try all of them and determine which ones generate the best Knowledge Bases on any Strategy.

Save Even More Time with Auto-Pairing
Thanks to “Auto-Pairing”, Strategy Wizard 5 is smart enough to avoid runs that are essentially “duplicates” of other runs, potentially saving HOURS in a single Strategy Wizard run.
Here’s how it works: The Fitness Function Target “N Bar Exit” should be paired with “Number of Bars”. Strategy Wizard 5 can focus on that “sub-problem” to find the best answer and compare it to other pairs, like pairing “Next Pivot Exit” with “Short, Medium, Long Term Pivots”.

The speed advantage comes from avoiding duplicate runs. There is no reason for “Number of Bars” to be altered while varying “Pivot Points” because those parameters have no relationship to each other. Depending on whether “Next Pivot Exit” or “N-Bar Exit” is selected determines which of these should be adjusted.
The new Strategy Wizard 5 will avoid runs that do not matter, thus potentially saving hundreds or even thousands of un-needed runs!

Any parameter that doesn’t matter in a given run will show as an ‘x’ for “don’t care” as shown in the output on the right. This de-clutters the results to only show you what actually matters in a given Strategy Wizard Run, while saving time by not trying different values for that parameter.
Strategy Wizard 5 Summary
“Worth its weight in Gold”
Strategy Wizard 5 Feature Summary
▲ New BATCH Search Option –
Dramatically Reduces the Number of iterations.
▲ Target Forward Test Metrics for Better Training.
▲ Option to “Email Me when complete”
(also emails errors if they occur).
▲ Copy/Paste Parameters from one
Strategy Wizard file to another.
▲ Able to continue a Strategy Wizard
run from any interruption.
For the ARM6 Genetic Algorithm:
▲ ALL Parameters of the ARM6 GA
can be tuned by Strategy Wizard 5.
▲ Parameter Auto-Pairing – Dramatically
Reduces Runs on those Parameters.
▲ Shows “Don’t Care” parameters as ‘x’ in the output list.
A Message From Ed Downs

Ed Downs
Founder & CEO,
Nirvana Systems
A TREMENDOUS software development effort has gone into the creation of Strategy Wizard 5.
We appreciate your purchase of this advanced and powerful technology by our amazing Nirvana development team, which not only gives you the best possible Strategies, but supports our efforts.
Nirvana Club discounts apply.
It’s Guaranteed! Strategy Wizard 5 comes with our unconditional 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. We know you will be thrilled with how much this product improves your trading.

Strategy Wizard 5
Compatible Platform: OmniTrader / VisualTrader
Recommended Data: End Of Day / Real Time
What if you could increase the performance of any Strategy by as much as 300%? What would that be worth in your trading? With Strategy Wizard 5, you can automatically tune ANY Strategy to get better performance and higher profits out of it – in a fraction of the time it took with any prior version!
30-Day Money Back Guarantee: Our software is backed by our unconditional Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you are not fully satisfied, you may return the module, within 30 days of purchase, for a 100% refund, less shipping and handling. Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax.
Important Information: Futures, options and securities trading has risk of loss and may not be suitable for all persons. No Strategy can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. These results are based on simulated or hypothetical performance results that have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. There are numerous market factors, including liquidity, which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown.