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Or Call our Sales Team 1.800.880.0338

Or Call our Sales Team 1.800.880.0338
Achieving Consistent Gains:
The Goal of Every Trader
I think You will agree that ALL traders want one thing - to achieve consistent results in their trading on the right edge.
ATM was designed to adapt to changing MARKETS, which made it a landmark new product in 2018. Later that year, we realized that (with some significant software development) it could also adapt to changes in Strategy Performance, a discovery which is proving to make it more consistently profitable than ever before.
Research and implementation continued throughout 2019, and ATM3 is finally here! I think it’s one of the most significant discoveries in Nirvana’s history, and a game-changer for ATM users. Now, let me explain why.
Important: All trades are on "Out-of-Sample" Data*
* This equity curve is completely “Out-of-Sample”, in that none of this data was used in the trade selection process. In other words, this is the performance you would have actually seen if you had started trading it in January 2015! We have never seen anything this robust before.
Achieving Consistent Gains:
The Goal of Every Trader
I think You will agree that ALL traders want one thing - to achieve consistent results in their trading on the right edge.
Adaptive Trade Management (ATM) is a dynamically automated approach to trading. ATM allows us to adapt to changing markets by determining the type of market, and then adjusting our trading approach in order to maximize results.
ATM was designed to adapt to changing MARKETS, which made it a landmark new product in 2018. Later that year, we realized that (with some significant software development) it could also adapt to changes in Strategy Performance, a discovery which is proving to make it more consistently profitable than ever before.
Research and implementation continued throughout 2019, and ATM3 is finally here! I think it’s one of the most significant discoveries in Nirvana’s history, and a game-changer for ATM users. Now, let me explain why.
Important: All trades are on "Out-of-Sample" Data*
* This equity curve is completely “Out-of-Sample”, in that none of this data was used in the trade selection process. In other words, this is the performance you would have actually seen if you had started trading it in January 2015! We have never seen anything this robust before.
Walk-Forward Analysis is the Key to Consistent Profits on the Right Edge
In the Test Period, optimizations are performed on Market States, Filters, Rankers, Strategies, and Allocations to get good “defaults” for each Market State, running on the Symbols in the Focus List. But that’s just the starting point.
In the Walk-Forward Period, ATM3 automatically runs internal trading simulations on ALL COMBINATIONS of Market States, Strategies, and Symbols to “Score” each ahead of the current interval (month or quarter) and selects the ones to use.
It then repeats this process on the next intervals, which means all trades in the Walk-Forward Period are selected without the benefit of “hindsight.”
Ten Minute Video on "The Power and
Protection of Adaptive Trading".
A Virtual Market Mastermind
First ATM, detects the state of the market. Once we have identified what type of market we are in, we can then adapt to the current market to maximize our strategy's potential. ATM can then filter the trades generated by our strategies to only take trades that are conducive to the current market state.
Different Strategies for Different Markets!
As the markets change, wouldn’t it be nice to automatically switch to Trading Strategies that work best in the new market?
With ATM, this is done AUTOMATICALLY!
For every Market State, ATM can switch to the strategies that work best in that type of market. This feature alone makes ATM the most powerful trading tool ever.
A Powerful Two-Step Process

ATM3 Gives You Confidence to Engage the Market
Since all trades in the Walk-Forward Period are "Out-of-Sample" data, the performance you see is what you would have seen during that period. This means you can trade the ATM Method more confidently because you have strong evidence that the Method is able to perform well in data that it hasn’t “seen” before.
Demonstration of ATM3 selecting the best trades
The curves to the right are on the same Strategy. The lower one (that loses money) was traded on all Symbols in the List. The green curve was generated by ATM3 trading on the top 7% of the list based on Strategy+Symbol Score. Note the incredibly low draw-downs.
The period shown is all Out-of-Sample for the ATM3 curve.

Automatic Ranking
for the Best Trades
Using the best Strategies for each Market State is good, but we want the absolute BEST trades.
ATM can filter out the trades that we don’t want, and then it will rank the remaining potential trades in order to insure that we are only taking the trades with the highest profit potential.
Believe it or not, ATM doesn’t stop there. It also has the ability to have different long/short balance and trade size for each Market State.
Whether you want all longs in a Bullish Market, a mix of longs and shorts in a Sideways Market, or reduced trade size in a Volatile Market, ATM automatically adjusts to make sure you have the perfect balance. Not only is the performance exceptional and bull markets such as the one we are in now. But ATM3 also has outstanding returns in the bear markets of 2000 and 2008 by using certain strategies in certain markets and adjusting their allocation.
ATM3 Gives You Confidence to Engage the Market
Since all trades in the Walk-Forward Period are "Out-of-Sample" data, the performance you see is what you would have seen during that period. This means you can trade the ATM Methods more confidently because you have strong evidence that the Methods are able to perform well in data that it hasn’t “seen” before.
It's So easy to use!
With ATM3, you do NOT have to know...
- Which Symbols to trade.
- Which Strategies to use.
- Which Market States to use.
ATM3 comes with several great Methods, or you can create your own. Remember, ATM3 will decide which assets to trade, so it’s not that important to “get it right”. You just need a good selection of Market States and Strategies for it to work from. The included Methods have great selections, and can be used right out-of-the-box.
All you have to do is click “Run Analysis” in the Portfolio Simulator!

Overview of the Steps ATM3 Uses
to Find the Best Trades Every Day
When you click "Run Analysis", ATM3 performs the following task:
In the Test Period, ATM3 Automatically...
In the Walk-Forward Period, ATM3 Automatically...
Trading with ATM3
Activate ATM3 in the To Do List in OmniTrader. Of course, you can paper trade it first. When you’re ready, hook up to your live brokerage account.
Here's what's included in the ATM3 Upgrade Package:
The Adaptive Trade Management System
Our most powerful trading software yet, developed over more than a year and packed with many innovations. ATM3 features a unique Walk-Forward Simulation that shows you EXACTLY what would have been traded had you started using the System at the start of the period, giving YOU the confidence to engage the market.
The ATM Auto Trend Method
ATM3 includes the ATM Auto Trend Method. This Method uses the new features in ATM3 in order to produce walk-forward results of 28% average annual return with remarkably low draw-down.
Out-of-Sample Forward Test!
The New ATM Smart Trend Method
The New ATM Smart Trend Method
The ATM Smart Trade Method uses the best symbol/strategy combos over the last six months. It picks the top performing 10% combos to trade next month.
Each combination is given a "score" based on recent performance. ATM Smart Trade made 10x the profits with the same draw-down as the strategies alone. This method has a remarkable ability to avoid draw-downs compared to the strategies alone.
ATM Smart Trend Method
Manual Trading ATM
is Easy
Watch as Angela demonstrates how easy it is to manually trade using ATM3. This update improves the ease of use and reduces the time required to place and manage your trades.
Here's what's included
in the ATM3 Upgrade Package:
The Adaptive Trade Management System
Our most powerful trading software yet, developed over more than a year and packed with many innovations. ATM3 features a unique Walk-Forward Simulation that shows you EXACTLY what would have been traded had you started using the System at the start of the period, giving YOU the confidence to engage the market.
The ATM Auto Trend Method
ATM3 includes the ATM Auto Trend Method. This Method uses the new features in ATM3 in order to produce walk-forward results of 28% average annual return with remarkably low drawdown.
The ATM Smart Trade Method
The ATM Smart Trade Method uses the best symbol/strategy combos over the last six months. It picks the top performing 10% combos to trade next month.
Each combination is given a "score" based on recent performance. ATM Smart Trade made 10x the profits with the same draw-down as the strategies alone. This method has a remarkable ability to avoid draw-downs compared to the strategies alone.

Or Call our Sales Team 1.800.880.0338