ATM a Huge Hit at BASH 2018
The annual Nirvana Club meeting, or "BASH" was held June 3-4 in Austin Texas. This year several products were discussed, but none was more prominent than ATM. Users unaminously agreed that ATM is the single most important advancement Nirvana has made in its entire history.
Member Presentations
Larrie Cable and Mark Holstius gave presentations on their work with ATM. Their talks will impress and excite you. I'm publishing these two Nirvana Club meeting presentations here in the ATM blog - not something I normally do. But they are truly specific to ATM and very appropriate to share here.
The Path to Stress-Free Investing
by Larrie G. Cable
Larrie Cable used ATM to research market states and ranking functions to create an amazing outcome in OmniFunds (21% return so far in 2018). OmniFunds uses these concepts to switch between assets, so applying ATM to identify the best approach was a novel and frankly brilliant idea.
Click here for Larrie's presentation
copyright (c) The Nirvana Club 2018
ATM on Steroids
by Mark Holstius
Mark continues to push the envelope with his advanced work using Concurrent Market States. Mark used large spreadsheets to high performing collections of Symbols, Strategies and Market States - a highly optimized process.
But the results he showed were not optimized, because he only showed Trade performance in the month AFTER the analysis. That is, actual performance was in 100% out-of-sample data. Using this approach, he was able to show a 13% return in May. Impressive.
Click here for Mark's presentation
copyright (c) The Nirvana Club 2018
What's New in ATM
by Jeff Drake
Jeff reviewed the advances in ATM leading up to the BASH, and especially Concurrent Market States. CMS allows for multiple Market States to fire simultaneously, which means an account can trade multiple industry groups or other situations, as opposed to just one (the original definition).
In a later session, Jeff unveiled his new XZones Method, for the X-Suite, T3 and XLS-19. Results were impressive. A blog post to follow this one will officially announce this method, which we are providing free to all ATM owners (those who don't own the Strategies can purchase them at a discount).
Jeff also demonstrated the (not yet released) Index Option Protection feature. Using this feature, the software will automatically purchase Puts on an Index (or Calls on an Inverse Index) to generate huge profits in the event of a market correction to offset account losses.
In our testing, this feature is actually sending accounts to equity highs on events like the one we saw in February. This is something that will help our users sleep at night!
As far as I know, NO other software provides a facility to easily add Index Option Protection to a portfolio or account.
"Impromptu" Member Session
Members share their excitement!
On Monday, after Mark's presentation "ATM on Steroids", I asked members to come up and share their informal experiences. What they said was quite impressive. Here are just a few excerpts.
"My annual rate of return, running the System LIVE, has been 204% since January 1, with a max draw down of less than 10%"
* Don Patin
"As I worked with ATM, I kept seeing better and better results. My final equity curve balance was something like -- 21.4 Billion."
* Ben Madugu
"If you don't have ATM - Get it! It has the greatest potential to improve your investment future than any other product I have come across."
* Larrie G. Cable
Click here for the 9-Minute Video, including news about the latest features.
The Trillion Dollar Club
Is Member Enthusiasm Justified?
If you watch the above recording, you will be struck by members consistently claiming 100% returns and many-billion-dollar equity curves.
Everyone knows the potential for "curve fitting" when using optimization in technical analysis. Someone suggested we start a Trillion Dollar Club for the first person to create an equity curve going to $1 Trillion! We had fun with that - and then someone actually did it And yes, that was a curve-fit!
But what is so encouraging about these testimonials is the members' impressive credentials.
* Jeff Martin is a retired research scientist from Los Alamos Labs - a critical thinker and careful researcher.
* Larrie Cable is a 30-year Navy veteran who also served as a test pilot and venture capitalist in a large private firm.
* Others, like Perry Madich and Randal Higginbotham are long time customers and life-long traders who know what they are doing.
As we run ATM in 2018, we will get more feedback on how well the system holds up in real market conditions. We plan to hold a symposium on "How to get reproducible results with ATM" this summer Ahead of that, all of us know the best way to avoid curve-fitting is to make sure we use a large sample size and reserve an out-of-sample period for validation. That was precisely what both Mark and Larrie did.
But two things really impressed me about these member comments in the impromptu session:
1) All are SUPER excited about ATM, having seen everything else before.
2) They are applying the tool in novel ways to get superior test results.
We've just begun to really understand what is possible with the software. Concurrent Market States open up the potential for even higher performance. And then, there's the application of ATM for automated Option Trading.
The future is very bright, my friends.
Very bright indeed.